Dogs can suffer from a number of eye diseases and as a responsible pet owner, you need to be aware of the symptoms and needs of the different types of eye ailments. Dog eye diseases can be difficult to diagnose because there are a number of different factors that can cause problems. Some causes of eye problems are glaucoma, uveitis, conjunctivitis, and other eye diseases. As you read on you will learn what the symptoms are, what causes them, and ultimately how to treat them.
Glaucoma is one of the most common dog eye diseases cause by cataracts. This eye problem causes the eye's lens to become cloudy, red, and annoyed looking. You can typically notice the cloudiness in the corner of your dog's eyes. Glaucoma is caused by cataracts, which are spots in the lens where gates are supposed to exist to help block excessive water from ruining the image of the eye. A clear eye is considered normal while Glaucoma is an indicator of the problem. There are prescription eye drops to allow cataracts to be dissolved, but they are very slow. Giving your dog anti-inflammatory eye drops such as dogs eyes drops can be helpful in quickly solving the cataracts.
A condition similar to Glaucoma is uveitis, which is inflammation of the eye. You will notice that your dog's eyes are swollen, teary, and reddened. It causes much pain to the dog and can often be accompanied by a raised white cork-ometer. It is a serious condition and can easily lead to blindness if not treated. Fortunately it is treatable with surgery. You should bring your dog to the vet if you notice symptoms of this condition.
Conjunctivitis is another one of the more common dog eye diseases. This is caused by an inflammation of the clear, watery eyes that causes irritation and redness. You may also notice that the eye is bloodshot or females can have discoloration of the eye. Another characteristic of conjunctivitis is a change in the color of the eye. When the eye naturally changes color it is considered a disease, but this is normal. There is not a normal set of criteria for diseases to affect the eye color change. If you notice a color change in your dog's eye that is not normal and the color does not match the normal color of the eye you should have your vet check the eye.
Another common dog eye disease is the condition called progressive retinal atrophy. This is a condition that will cause degeneration of the retina, in which the outermost layers of the retina progressively worsen until they are completely gone. This is caused by an increase in the number of calories involved in the dog's body, since the condition is a result of body composition. Interestingly enough, dogs that are theiest should be the least affected by this condition. To find out if your dog has PRA an eye exam is necessary. In order to treat PRA, intravenous medications are necessary, since there is currently no cure.
Cherry Eye is pretty rare for dogs, but when it does happen it can be dangerous. This condition is where the third eye lid becomes prolapsed, visible, and inflamed. If a gland in the third eyelid becomes impacted this can cause a more obvious soreness and the gland might secrete fluid to try and relieve the irritation. If this condition is left untreated the gland will eventually rupture, result in blindness, and complications such as pneumonia may occur.
Eye discharge and a discharge from the nostrils may also be present with this condition. If the eye is inflamed but the nostrils are clear your dog does not need a medical indication. This condition is referred to as Cherry Eye and is seen most often in the dog breeds Boston Terrier, English Bulldog, Finkenwerper, Schipperke, American Cocker Spaniel, American Pit Bull Terrier, and English Springer Spaniel.
Cherry Eye can be treated with prescribed eye drops or ointments. As the disease progresses your vet may also change the patients eye fluids. Finally, for some breeds this treatment is accomplished with surgery.
Another option your veterinarian has is to surgically remove the gland. That option is considered less effective by some because it gives the gland time to trigger an inflammatory response and actually increases the inflammation that is causing the discharge.