Dog training can be a challenging process.
However, it can also be a rewarding one.
The most important rule, as simple as it may seem to be, is:
Positive reinforcement of proper behaviors isEverything we need to train our pet. Right from the very start, we need to acknowledge the goal; which is to establish the leaf in the garden.
Leaving your dog in the house unsupervised is a recipe for disaster. Whether the reasons for leaving the dog unsupervised are:
Some dogs are so neurotic that they have given themselves away to one form of panic. For others, it is sheer laziness or stubbornness that causes them not to want to be trained. Some other dogs simply deserve to be left alone. These reasons however, pale in comparison to the many others that are continually misbehaving due to lack of training.
without training, the dog will continue to destroy your belongings.
The dog will never respect his master, and can become bitter and aggressive.
Getting the respect of the dog is key to effective training.
The dog will become braver and more aggressive to protect his master.
The dog may be left alone for long periods of time. This can lead to him becoming sad and aggressive.
There are too many reasons to create anxiety in a dog leading to frustration.
Dogs give affection and love. It is our responsibility to satisfy the dog therefore he is happy. When we are withdrawn we are detaching ourselves from our loving responsibilities. We must always return and give affection and love when we are physically and verbally present.
Proper Dog Training Benefits Everyone
What benefits do you and your dog receive from training? Checklist here:
I) Training establishes you as the master
Through training, you are the master. Your dog can only respect and listen to you when you are calm, assertive, fair and consistent. You are the one who decides when and what your dog does or does not do, and he will only do what you allow. When you are inconsistent, your dog will be confused and possibly develop negative behaviors.
2) Training cleans away distractions and adapts your dog's behavior
During training, your dog's attention is firmly focused on you. Therefore, because of that, his behaviors will be much more deliberate and well-behaved.
3) Training increases trust and delivers specific behavior that you are anxious to observe
You can train your dog at home or on-lead, allowing you to easily observe his behavior as you interact with him. This will enable you to specifically address any behavior concerns and thus train your dog back to normal.
4) Training provides an easy way to open a discussion with your dog
If your dog has some problems that you want resolved, he is far less likely to act out or destroy your home. Instead, he will listen when you speak, and give you his attention when you call. This is a far better approach than simply telling your dog to stop behaving this behavior that keeps you up at night.
5) You and your dog can have a 'down-to-earth' talk
When your dog is down-to-earth, he is Above everything else, including people, other dogs and busy signals. In other words, he is calm and relaxed. You can train the right way (to relax) to establish this state for your dog. I personally prefer to train my dog personally, and this is how I do it. I encourage you to do the same, but use the techniques I learned from my expert coach at the comprehensive Yorkie Training Secrets at